Stained City Fence

Stained City Fence Detail


Dyed tissue paper, vellum, spray paint

Stained City Fence at Night

Stained City Fence at Night


Dyed tissue paper, vellum, spray paint

Stained City Gates Detail

Stained City Gates Detail


Dyed tissue paper, vellum, spray paint

Stained City Gates

Stained City Gates at Night


Dyed tissue paper, vellum, spray paint

Stained City Fence in Daylight

Stained City Fence in Daylight


Dyed tissue paper, vellum, spray paint

Stained City Fence in Daylight

Stained City Gate in Daylight


Dyed tissue paper, vellum, spray paint

Toronto Street Advertising Takeover

The TOSAT street art intervention was organized by public space activists including Illegal Signs in Canada and The Public Ad Campaign in New York City. Artists and activists staged a takeover of illegally installed back-lit pillar advertising columns owned by Pattison Outdoor Advertising, unlocking 41 kiosks and replacing ads with art donated by artists from around the world who’d been invited to participate.

Read more:

The Public Ad Campaign’s TOSAT site

Article from the CBC

Article by an embedded Torontoist reporter

Coverage on Art Threat