Run for Your Life Public Intervention
In a massive green-washing campaign, Dow Chemical Corporation (notorious for their toxic environmental record and associated human rights abuses in Bhopal, Vietnam, and Midland Michigan) sponsored a series of “Live Earth Run for Water” road races. The Yes Men’s fake spokespeople infiltrated the race, ham-fistedly defending Dow’s right to do as it pleases. As a former competitive distance runner, It was my pleasure to help thwart Dow’s attempt to exploit the running community.
Whole Foods Survivaball Takeover
After a screening of The Yes Men Save The World, a motivated audience left the theater and marched down to a New York City Whole Foods where a few Survivaballs-in-waiting were already planted throughout the aisles, our deflated Survivaball suits nestled in shopping bags. “There has been a spill in the Public Health Care aisle” boomed over the intercom as we rushed to inflate, reaching maximum density in record time. As the audience sang a tune about lack of health coverage (entitled “Hey Mackey”) we bounced merrily along, keeping time with the beat until the security guards were finally able to corral the unwieldy mass and usher us out.
Survivaball Outings
Survivaballs were originally pitched to CEOs of large companies for personal use in the event of catastrophic conditions. As more prototypes went into production, the Yes Men felt it would be good to shop these around to the general public. These are some snapshots of Yes Man Rocco Ferrer and I showing off our Survivaballs and letting the public see just how practical, and yes, stylish, these suits can be.
Related video:
CNN reports from inside a Survivaball
Read more:
Survivaball Documentation
Survivaballs going about their business
Fake New York Post Distribution
On October 9, 2009 I showed up at an undisclosed location in Manhattan to assist with targeted distribution of The Yes Men’s Fake New York Post. As opposed to their earlier Fake New York Times newspaper, which was filled only with good (and unfortunately false) news, their version of the Post, with the headline “We’re Screwed” was filled with primarily bad (and unfortunately true) climate change related news. The highlight of my day was the surreal experience of being cornered for an interview outside of Madison Square Garden by a real New York Post reporter.
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